
I enjoy experimenting with pushing my boundaries as far as marks go, creating calming and graceful paintings.

I often rotate my canvases as I paint so pieces have no fixed orientation.

‘Boundaries, borders and egdes’ series 2024

Burnt Embers, 2024

‘By the waters edge’ series 2023

Inspired by misty mornings, walk's by the riverbank and flooded fields in winter

‘Abstracted Landscapes’ series 2022

‘Liminal’ Series 2021/22

Liminal is the space ‘in between’ - A transitional often uncomfortable space that resets boundaries.

After a period of illness in 2021, I found myself wanting to create calm whimsical work that took on the form of abstracted land and sea-scapes.

With my liminal works, I focused on balancing colour and texture rather than creating realistic compositions.